Members Present were: Krisan LeHew, Glenda Noggles, Betty Holloway, Teresa Crane and Esther Koch
Starting in September we will be doing Community Action
Valley Community Cleanup – Traci will coordinate with the scouts.
Jane Park Board – now needs help with Basketball Court, Tetherball Court and Storage Shed.
We discussed getting training on Fund Raising. It was suggested selling raffle tickets for Firewood. After much discussion getting the firewood seemed unlikely at this time.
We will be getting $1,500 of our Grant money in September or October and need to get our Non-Profit set up to handle these funds.
Esther made a folder for Valley school alumni and made stickers with Valley Blog information.
Traci will contact the Dept. of Transportation about signs on 395 indicating Food, Gas, Groceries, Recreation in Valley.
We want to create a logo that encourages Thinking “Shop Locally” first. There may be training available to help with this.
Krisan will set up Grant writing training for us.
We will post signs in the restroom that say “This is a Horizon Project”. Come back and see it in a few weeks when we are finished. If you want to help call Glenda Noggles at 937-2096.
We decided to check on vinyl flooring for the restrooms and will have the information by our Monday July 27th meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Noggles