Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Board met at the Valley Café. Members present were Traci Hatch, dawn Dawson, Krisan LeHew, Betty Holloway, Les Iverson, Jackie Tenney, Glenda Noggles and Jackie Franks.

We tallied the final 10 surveys bringing our total completed surveys to 165. We identified the top 10 projects to improve the Valley Community as follows:

#1 Reduce drugs/alcohol/tobacco use
#2 Encourage community pride
#3 Reduce crime
#4 Create a youth jobs mentoring program
#5 Promote more youth activities
#6 Start a farmers/co-op market
#7 Promote self-employment/small business
#8 Promote home repair/energy savings
#9 Promote donating to the food pantry
#10 Promote early childhood education and child care

We talked about what could be done to start educating our community in these areas. Krisan and Debra of WSU Extensions will present the results at the Valley Horizons Survey Ice Cream Social May 18, 2009 at 6:30 at the Valley Grange.

Board members were reminded to meet at the Grange Monday, the 18th as close to 5:30 as possible to help set up for the ice cream social and silent auction.

Krisan talked about three documents she has to complete with information regarding activities that we are working on as a Horizon group such as the following action in our community.
§ Setting up a community clean up day working with the boy scouts. The cleanup will include litter patrols, sweeping sidewalks, cleaning up weeds etc. It was decided that a dumpster was not necessary as the Sunshine Landfill people did not respond to our request. Local businesses that are supporting our Horizons projects are Dawson Trucking, Valley Café, Valley Tavern, Valley Food Pantry, Valley Store and Al’s Thrift Store.
§ We have formed a Valley Horizon Board.
§ Encourage folks to plant a garden and have a food swap in the fall.
§ Cleaning up, painting and updating areas of the Grange to make it a nicer place for the Community to gather.
§ We work with the Eagle eye to have Horizon information advertised in this school paper.
§ We are making plans to improve already existing projects in our community.
§ We want to put up an advertisement board in town to promote community events.
§ We want to help promote and partnership with the Valley Food Pantry and 2ND Harvest on their upcoming community truck load of food give away June 9th.
§ Dawn Dawson of our Valley Horizon Board had a public restroom installed in the Station Town Square.

Krisan needs action ideas for our community and how they address poverty. Who we partner with to accomplish the project and success indicators for each idea.

Les Iverson volunteered to buy paint for the Grange restrooms. Also it was decided that we will do a silent auction at the Ice Cream Social to raise money to support Horizons projects such as fixing up the Grange and carrying our other future projects. We will be collecting items to present at a silent auction. Everyone is encouraged to let Traci know what items they will donate or get the items to her by Saturday.