Tuesday, February 9, 2010

WA St. Fair Association News!

Hello Fair Friends -
I'm encouraging each of you to take part in March 6 East side and/or Judges Training.
This is an opportunity for each of us to be more familiar/educated about various areas of your/our fair.
The Judges Training will be excellent training .... we all have a challenge finding judges for our local fair.
Please share this email info with others ....

Thanks and Best Regards,
Janice Purdy
Clayton Community Fair

WSFA = Washington State Fairs Association

Good morning and happy Monday to each of you! I'm sure to those New Orleans Saints fans…today is a great Monday. We are hoping that you are planning to join us for this year's East Side Super School scheduled for March 6 at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. I have attached registration information and an agenda for the day. To help with carpooling, we are also offering a judge's training that day that some of your exhibitors / current judges / etc. may be interested in attending. Hopefully, you received that information on Friday. If not, please feel free to contact me.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Jessie McLaughlin, CFE
Fair Coordinator
Spokane County Interstate Fair
(509) 477-2772 / (509) 477-8926 Fax
September 10-19, 2010
Visit our website at www.interstatefair.org