Thursday, February 4, 2010
VIP Meeting notes Feb. 2, 2010
VALLEY IN PROGRESS MEETING - FEBRUARY 2, 2010 AT 5:00 p.m. at Valley Café
Those Present were: President Leanne Perin; VP Traci Hatch; Sec. Glenda Noggles; Treas. Jane Iverson, Communications Esther Koch; Board Members Betty Holloway, Alfred Reiner, Teresa Crane, Les Iverson; as well as Rita Morris, Laura Fjelstad, Shirley Kimball, Krisan LeHew, and Helen Hubbs.
The minutes from the January 18, 2010 VIP meeting were reviewed and it was noted that our vote to approve the Articles of Incorporation and By Laws had been omitted from the meeting minutes.
Krisan reminded us of upcoming events:
2/16/10 VIP Meeting with COGS at Springdale Depot, 4:00 p.m., Bring a sack lunch. Speaker via
Video will be Donna Beagle talking about generational poverty and teaching kids in crisis poverty. We will also be brainstorming with COGS about possibly working together on upcoming community events.
3/5/10 Tourism Workshop at Chewelah Civic Center from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m.
3/19 & 20/10 Rural Reflections Summit: Building a Stronger Washington at Big Bend Community College, Moses Lake. Valley In Progress will be graduated from the Horizon Program at this meeting and qualify for our seed money to build a better community. Those representing VIP will be Esther Koch, Laura Fjelstad, Teresa Crane, Helen Hubbs, Traci Hatch, Leanne Perin and Glenda Noggles.
Our Certificate from the Secretary of State showing our UBI Number which is the start of making the VIP’s an
official 501C3, Non-Profit Organization was presented.
Our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were reviewed item by item to be sure everything was exactly as
needed. There was some discussion about the number of hours required for voting Members each month.
Krisan will check the rules and be sure it is correct.
Jane Brown was elected as Treasurer. Prior treasurer, Glenda Noggles will soon be serving as the Treasurer for
the newly formed Valley Food Pantry which will be operated by the Valley Community and as a part of
Valley In Progress.
The need to have a Web site was discussed and tabled to the next meeting.
Please delete the Kistenmacher e-mail address on the address list handed out at this meeting as it is not correct.
The newly formed Valley Food Pantry will need to present their organizations plans with the VIP’s in order to
operate as an official part of Valley In Progress. Board Members will be notified of this meeting in the next few
days as the Valley Food Pantry will finalize their organizations operating procedures at a meeting Monday,
February 8th and will need final approval from the VIP Board to operate as a branch of VIP.
We were reminded of our next meeting at the Springdale Depot 2/16/10 and to remember to bring a sack lunch,
after which the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Noggles, Secretary.
Ps: The Mailing Address for Valley In Progress is: P O Box 111, Valley, WA 99181