Wednesday, February 17, 2010

VIP Meeting Notes - February 16th

February 16, 2010

VIP’s met in Springdale prior to Dr. Donna Beegle Video. Those present were President Leanne Perin, VP Traci Hatch, Treasurer Jane Iverson, Communications Esther Koch, Treasurer Glenda Noggles as well as board members Teresa Crane, Alfred Reiner, Jackie Franks, Helen Hubbs, Les Iverson, Betty Holloway and WSU Ext. Leader Krisan LeHew.

Glenda announced that the Valley Food Pantry will be operating separately from the VIP’s and have filed for their own State UBI, Federal ENI and are in the process of filing the 501c3. They learned in the process of getting established if they operate under VIP all control (decision making and money) would be handled by VIP’s, which was not the desired result for change.

Debra from WSU Extension Office emphasized upcoming workshops such as the Grant Writing session 4/5/10 at Chewelah Peak Learning Center and Tourism Conference in Chewelah 3/5/10.

Traci Hatch reported she is stuck on filing for the EIN and will be getting help to get this completed. She also reported Valley In Progress has an e-mail address

A Super video with Dr. Donna Beegle was enjoyed by those present. She was talking about working with folks in poverty and giving them the tools and challenges they need to succeed and climb or develop the desire to climb out of poverty.

A short meeting with the Springdale COG’s then followed to brainstorm possible community projects that could bring the communities together. Nothing definite was developed. It was noted that Rita Morris (Valley Fuel) is brainstorming the use of their white building for a Farmers Market and nearby organic garden.

We were reminded that March 5th is the Tourism Workshop at Chewelah Civic Center.

We were informed that the government has big demands on local growers and farmers regarding the safe handling of foods and that people need to be educated regarding the safety requirements.

Georgia from Springdale decorates the Depot each month and encouraged us to come join their Wednesday Senior potluck from 12:00 to 4:00 each week. They also play bingo and have prizes. Thursdays they have a game of 10,000 Dice (good family fun game). Traci Hatch announced that there is a BUNCO game at the Valley Café the 2nd Thursday of each month. Further details can be obtained at the Valley Café. Also, Springdale has a “Saturday Night Dinner and Movie” for which all are welcome.

Krisan reminded us that she needs photos for her slide show of Valley improvements.

Jackie Franks told us that Springdale & Valley need K-3 year size underwear and long pants, gloves and tennis shoes for school situations.

KYRS 92.3 is a new radio station in our area and will have a tower on Stranger Peak. It will cover Northeast Washington News and local events.

Debra announced that the WSU President would be in Colville for a day in June and wants a presentation on Horizon’s activities and projects.

Krisan told us the Colors Training was available in March and it was decided that it would be at the Grange with Food Pantry workers participating. The exact date to be determined soon.
The meeting was adjourned shortly after 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Glenda Noggles, Secretary VIP’s