Friday, May 1, 2009

Valley Horizon Board Meeting - April 28, 2009

Members Present were: Krisan LeHew, Teresa Crane, Dawn Dawson, Betty Holloway, Jackie Franks, Melissa Ray, Glenda Noggles, Jackie Tenney and Traci Hatch

At 6:10 p.m. Co-Chair Betty Holloway called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Old Business was addressed – Ice Cream Social – May 18th – 6:30 p.m.
After discussion it was decided Glenda would purchase lots of ice cream tubs, bowls, spoons, napkins, various toppings such as nuts, sprinkles, chocolate, strawberry, whipped cream, caramel and butter scotch as well as punch ingredients.

We have cups on hand and Glenda will bring table clothes and punch container. Board members will arrive about 5:30 to help set up tables, make coffee etc.

Debra Kollack from the WSU Extension Office will help facilitate the Ice Cream Social along with Krisan LeHew.

We were reminded that our regular Valley Horizon Meetings will be the 3rd Tuesday of each month and we will meet at the Valley Café. We will have another meeting May 12th to finalize the Ice Cream Social and finalize the tally of Valley Surveys.

Question was raised about progress of May 2 Valley Clean Up. Traci checked with the scouts and they are unable to help until some time in June. One of the scouts wants to help Horizons as his scout project. Traci will check further on a June date and let us know at the May 12th meeting.

The Community Garden was again discussed. No further information was available. The big concern is the availability of water. Traci will check further about the availability of this property and other details.

Completed Valley surveys (about 80) were tallied by the Board members. The five most important topics were:
§ Encourage Community Price
§ Reduce drugs/alcohol/tobacco use
§ Reduce Crime
§ Create a youth jobs mentoring program
§ Start a farmers/co-op market

We will be adding to this tally as further surveys get completed. 15% of 1,400 people would mean we need to have 210 people complete or review this survey. We will go way beyond in circulating these flyers as they have been available at the Valley Store, Valley Post Office, Valley Café and Valley School to staff and sent home with students.

Krisan told us lots of speakers and trainers are available to help us accomplish the goals derived from the Valley Surveys.

Healthy popcorn was discussed and Krisan will e-mail the recipe.

We were challenged to be thinking about how we can best promote and accomplish the 5 top projects for Valley before our next meeting will be at the Valley Café, Tuesday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

NOTE: surveys can be turned in at the Valley Store, Valley Café or Valley Post Office prior to May 12 to be included in the Survey tally.