Four Valley Horizon volunteers attended the March 14th seminar in Deer Park. There were many volunteers in attendence from Montana, Oregon, Idaho as well as Washington. Several speakers presented ideas for community gardens, food preperation and regulations regarding them. Many handouts were available for the taking...which we gladly did for our own group. We learned a lot about how to begin our own community garden and how to utilize local orchards, and businesses to help attain our goal. Our meetings continue to strengthen our resolve to push forward. If you missed this seminar you can still be involved by attending our meetings on Tuesday nights at the Valley Grange. We only have two more meetings to go before we form our action committee to begin the implementation of our many ideas for our community. You can be a part of seeing Valley grow as we implement our ideas using the resources that Horizon has provided for us. Don't miss out on being a part of the group that made it all happen! See you Tuesday night!